Negative hyperfocus
Negative hyperfocus

negative hyperfocus

I think making a list of negative emotions is great.

negative hyperfocus negative hyperfocus

In trading when I go on tilt I reiterate your golden rule: Make One Good Trade! I began to play at the local pool hall where some incredible players would kick my and that would upset me so much that I would go back to that book and read and study it again, over and over until I placed 7th in the California State University Pool Championship. Finally I WON! I actually became much better than him. So, I reviewed the book and practiced, reviewed, practice over and over again noting the position of my forward hand position, how well my stroke arm was positioned again and again. I studied these alot and became much better and still, although I was more competitive I still could not beat my best friend. He instructed on all the basics: feet, body, arm, head and hand positions. So I went out and bought a book by Willie Mosconi, one of the greatest players at that time (hate to give my age away). Growing up on my friends’ billiard he would always beat me in a game of straight pool, eight ball, etc. By reviewing the basics, the “Foundation”, I am better able to make One Good Trade. Whenever I go on tilt or just can’t perform I focus my mind back to the basics. josh waitzkin, One Good Trade, smb training, the art of learning, trader education, trader training, trading coach, trading mentor You can be better tomorrow than you are today!

#Negative hyperfocus how to

But maybe as traders and trading mentors we need to figure out how to teach our traders how to turn negative energy into hyper focus. I am not sure how these ideas best apply to trading. For some getting really pissed can signal a short burst of anger but then moments of intense creativity and hyper focus. Remember John McEnroe yelling and screaming at the officials and then playing better? We all know great traders who burst out the most obscene cussing and then find a way back to profitability. I think: How do I exit? Where do I exit? What are the best exits? No time for thoughts of how unfair this is or how much this loss hurts. There is no time for banging and screaming and complaining. Steenbarger, the Coach K of trading psychologists, about this idea recently and he shared that when he was in danger of taking a significant trading loss his brain flipped to “it is on.” When I have a large position that has suddenly traded well against me and my screen is filled with red, I immediately close out all thoughts other than how best to escape. At the highest levels performers will crumble in these moments if they do not learn how to turn this negative energy into a heightened state of concentration. This leads them away from a path of building on their unique personality. And teaching performers to subvert their natural emotions is forcing them to change who they are at their core. There will always be a new something that causes you to get upset and potentially trade on the tilt. What if you could take that energy that causes you to trade on tilt and channel it into a state of hyper-focus? Josh’s contention is that the real world, trading live, and practice (in our case, visualization exercises), are not the same. Josh Waitzkin, former chess and martial arts champion and author of The Art of Learning, shared a different solution.

Negative hyperfocus